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Prospect Soccer Club

U9 Modified Rules

Prospect Youth Soccer Official Under 9 Playing Recommendations

Law 1 - The Field of Play:
Dimensions: The field of play must be rectangular. The length of the touchline must be greater than the length of the goal line.

 minimum 45 yards maximum 60 yards

Width: minimum 30 yards maximum 45 yards

Field Markings: Distinctive lines not more than (5) inches wide. The field of play is divided into two halves by a halfway line. The center mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. The center mark is indicated at the midpoint of the halfway line. A circle with a radius of eight (8) yards is marked around it.

The Goal Area: A goal area is defined at each end of the field as follows: Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line three (3) yards from the inside of each goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of three (3) yards and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the goal area.

The Penalty Area: A penalty area is defined at each end of the field as follows: Two lines are drawn at right angles to the goal line, eight (8) yards from the inside of each goalpost. These lines extend into the field of play for a distance of eight (8) yards and are joined by a line drawn parallel with the goal line. The area bounded by these lines and the goal line is the penalty area.

Flag posts: Conform to FIFA. To be provided by coach or referee.

The Corner Arc: Conform to FIFA.

Goals: Goals must be placed on the center of each goal line. They consist of two upright posts equidistant from the corners and joined at the top by a horizontal crossbar. The recommended distance between the posts is eighteen (18) feet and the distance from the lower edge of the crossbar to the ground is six (6) feet. Goals may be smaller in dimension.
Law 2 - The Ball: Size four (4).

Law 3 - The Number of Players:
A match is played by two teams, each consisting of not less than four (4) players and not more than six (6) players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. (Five (5) players recommended.)
Substitutions: At any stoppage of play and unlimited.
Playing time: Each player SHALL play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time.
Law 4 - The Players' Equipment:
Shinguards, knee-high socks, soccer cleats and water. Non-uniform clothing is allowed based on weather conditions, but uniforms must still distinguish teams. Goalkeepers must wear a jersey of contrasting color to the team shirt.

Law 5 - The Referee: A parent, coach or referee in training may be used.

Law 6 - The Assistant Referees:

Law 7 - The Duration of the Match:
The match shall be divided into four (4) equal, twelve (12) minute quarters. There shall be a two (2) minute break between quarters one and two and another two (2) minute break between quarters three and four. There shall be a half-time interval of five (5) minutes. Teams will switch sides at halftime.

Law 8 - The Start and Restart of Play:
Conform to FIFA, with the exception of the opponents of the team taking the kick-off are at least eight (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.

Law 9 - The Ball In and Out of Play:
The ball is out of play when: It has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air or when play has been stopped by the referee. Ball is in play at all other times.

Law 10 - The Method of Scoring:
A goal is scored when the entire ball crosses the goal line. Goals cannot be scored from behind the mid field line. Scores and standings are not kept.

Law 11 - Offside:
The offside rule is not strictly enforced however deliberate or obvious off side infractions will be called.

Law 12 - Fouls and Misconduct:
Conform to FIFA with the exception that all fouls shall result in an indirect free kick. The referee/coach/parent must explain ALL infringements to the offending player. No cards shown for misconduct. Slide tackles or sliding of any kind is not allowed, except by keepers making saves.

Law 13 - Free Kicks:
Conform to FIFA with the exceptions that all kicks are indirect and all opponents are at least eight (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.

Law 14 - The Penalty Kick: None.

Law 15 - The Throw-In:
A throw-in is awarded to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball when the whole of the ball crosses the touch line, either on the ground or in the air.
At the moment of delivering the ball, the thrower:
  • faces the field of play
  • has part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside the touch line
  • holds the ball with both hands
  • delivers the ball from behind and over his head
  • delivers the ball from the point where it left the field of play
All opponents must stand no less than 2 yards from the point at which the throw-in is taken.
After delivering the ball, the thrower must not touch the ball again until it has touched another player.
An improperly performed throw-in can be retaken once.
Law 16 - The Goal Kick:
Conform to FIFA with the exception that opponents must remain outside the goal area and at least eight (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.

Law 17 - The Corner Kick:
Conform to FIFA with the exception that opponents remain at least eight (8) yards from the ball until it is in play.

Additional recommendations:
Spectator and team benches must be on opposite sides of the field. Parents must stand along the touchline and MAY NOT stand behind the goal. Coaches are only allowed to coach from the sidelines.

Coaches should make every attempt to keep scrimmages and games close.

No roughing the goalkeepers. If the goalkeeper appears to have possession, players cannot touch the ball or the goalkeeper.

Goalkeepers may only handle the ball anywhere inside of the penalty box. The opposing team will be awarded an indirect free kick at the spot of any infraction.


Prospect Soccer Club
47 Waterbury Rd Suite 4 PMB 333 
Prospect, Connecticut 06712

Email: [email protected]

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